As an open source project, for 20 years OCCT provides free access to breakthrough 3D technology to thousands of users ranging from independent enthusiasts to large businesses. Here are some examples of groundbreaking projects using OCCT.
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AFEM is a "fit-for-purpose" engineering development toolkit designed to support the use of...

Analysis Situs is an open-source prototyping workbench and an SDK to develop CAD/CAM/CAE...

Bit by bit is a platform for programming geometry in the browser.
Bit by bit developers ...

Build123d is a python-based, parametric, boundary representation (BREP) modeling framework...

CAD Assistant is a freeware viewer and converter for 3D CAD and mesh files, developed by...

CAD Builder is a freeware parametric CAD modeler.
It is a generic tool for parametric...

CAD Exchanger is a set of software libraries to read and write 3D CAD files in CAD...

CAD Processor is a software solution allowing preparation and simplification of 3D reference...

CADRays is an interactive GPU-accelerated photo-realistic 3D model viewer based on Open...

CAEplex is a web platform that can be used to run mechanical analysis computations in the...

Cascade Studio is an open-source full live-scripted CAD Kernel and IDE in the Browser.

CrossCad/Plg allows importing native CAD formats into Open CASCADE Technology.

DeclaraCAD is an open-source 3D modeling application that uses a declarative language to...

DMU Reviewer is a high performance software for democratized CAD viewing throughout the...

Draw Harness is an open-source Tcl command interpreter used to test and demonstrate Open...

FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects...

Gmsh is a 3D finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities...

IfcOpenShell is an open source (LGPL) software library for working with IFC format....

JSketcher is developed By Autodrop3d with the goal of providing general purpose mechanical...

KiCad is an open-source software suite for Electronic Design Automation (EDA).
The programs...

Live Draw Harness demos provide code snippets for learning Open CASCADE Technology (or OCCT...

Mayo is an open-source 3D CAD viewer and converter based on Open CASCADE Technology and Qt....

McCad is an open source tool for automatic conversion of B-Rep models into CSG.
McCad has...

MRADSIM Converter is a CAD converter that converts STEP format to GDML format.
It converts...