new user / install troubles

Today I downloaded the complete CD version of OpenCASCADE and am having difficulty installing. For background I am using Win 98 on Pentium III machine with 384 megs of ram and a 80 gig hard drive.

The first error message is at the beginning of the install process. "PATH not modified. May be autoexec.bat is read only." There are two copies of Autoexec.bat on the computer; neither are read only.

The install process continues, but then I get a second error message and installation stops. Another user, Willy on Dec 11, 2001, posted about the same problem but there were no replies to his post. The error message is, "Error 1406. Could not write value folders to key..." I am trying to install into c:Programs/Downloads/Cad and Design/OpenCASCADE 4.0. I have many, many programs installed and to allow each program a primary folder on the C drive, like the default install location of OpenCASCADE, would be ridiculous.

Any ideas/solutions would be greatly appreciated. The download was rather large, requiring borrowed use of a T1 line and I am very anxious to get this program installed.

Thanks ahead for any replies.
Best Wishes,
Bob W

Bobthearch's picture

OK, I got it to physically install by ignoring the first error message and allowing OpenCASCADE to have it's very own primary folder on the C drive.

When opening a sample file or one of the applications I got the error message about required file Tkernel.dll not found. But it's there, within one of the OpenCASCADE program folders. So I manually place TKERNEL.dll into the Windows System folder, and try again. I now get a different .dll error message. Do I have to manually place each .dll file into the System folder in order to run OpenCASCADE? Shouldn't that have been done during installation?

What's going on?

Barbara's picture

In the OpenCASCADE installation the autoexec.bat file is modified in order to modify the :
PATH variable.
The path where you have installed OpenCASCADE is added to this variable. So you have not to copy some OpenCASCADE dll to your Windows system folder.
Verify your autoexec.bat file :
you should find some environment variable.
CASROOT ( path of oyur OpenCASCADE installation )

Mikael Aronsson's picture

"The install process continues, but then I get a second error message and installation stops. Another user, Willy on Dec 11, 2001, posted about the same problem but there were no replies to his post."

What a surprise, sorry to here that, but you are not alone if that is any help ;o)


Andreas Hussong's picture

Error 1406 seems to be a problem of InstallShield.
Please refer to Document Q105775 in the Knowledge Base of their homepage


p.s. : i do have the same problem and still didn't find any solution