Mon, 05/06/2002 - 22:58
I have a very easy (but perhaps stupid?) question: what are the differences between www.opencascade.com and .org ?
The available versions of opencascade are :
- library from the .com site (thus a compiled version)
- source code from the .org site
Is it correct ?
Why are the 2 sites separated ?
Tue, 05/07/2002 - 11:20
hello Pierre
.org is for beginners or developpers who need help and .org is for contributors who developp OCC.
Tue, 05/07/2002 - 12:15
Structure of http://www.opencascade.org site is optimized to help the users, who have created their own Open CASCADE projects, to promote their new projects and to get a feedback of other users about quality of their projects and demand for them. Its features also allow visitors to find the best and the most useful projects created, as well as to see the most smart programmers.
Contents of http://www.opencascade.org site is managed almost entirely by Open CASCADE worldwide community (any registered user has his own web page and can put his projects or other contributions onto it), while contents of opencascade.com is defined by Open CASCADE AS, therefore it was logical to separate the sites. Though, as for me, I'm equally glad to visitors of both sites :)
And one more difference: com site contains the stable version of Open CASCADE, while the version on org inclides the most fresh updates (improvements, fixed bugs, etc).
Yours faithfully