7.8 x64 DRAW - pload INSPECTOR - An exception was caught 000002DE17D30060 : Draw_Failure: Could not open: TKToolsDraw.dll;

Hello all,
I've downloaded version 7.8 and 3dpartiy libraries,
but I can not start tinspector in draw.
When I pload it, it can not find TKToolsDraw.dll, which is not present in downloaded archives.

Any thing I can do with that?

Thank you.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, on the beginning of the next week we will share archives with samples. Currently you be able to build only locally. My apologies.

Best regards, dmitrii.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, samples and Inspector preperd. Please check:

Release V7_8_0 · Open-Cascade-SAS/OCCT (github.com)

Please update 3rd-party archive and occt itself. And extract each archive in the same folder.

Best regards, Dmitrii.