Wed, 03/22/2000 - 13:46
I have an AIS_InteractiveContext. In this context , I have an AIS_Shape.
I open a local context in face selection mode.
I want in c++ add a face from my object to the current selected list.
How to do that ? I have seen the function :
AIS_InteractiveContext::AddOrRemoveSelected ( me:mutable ; aShape:Shape from TopoDS ; updateviewer : Boolean from Standard=Standard_True);
---Purpose: No right to Add a selected Shape (Internal Management of shape Selection).
-- A Previous selected shape may only be removed.
This function seems to be what I need , but we have no right to use it for Add , just for remove ( but why the name AddOrRemove if we cannot use add `? :-) ).
As somebody an idea ?
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 14:16
Hi Stephane!
No right to Add a selected shape means that you can't add a previously selected shape, but if it hasn't yet been selected you can add that shape to the selection list.
Best regards
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 14:56
Hello Stephane and Sergey, I just want to provide an example of how to use it. The following code will toggle all displayed objects in the AISContext:
void GUIF_CCVDocument::SelectToggle()
AIS_ListOfInteractive Obj_List;
// create listiterator
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive it;
// iterate through all objects
for (it.Initialize(Obj_List); it.More(); it.Next())
if (!myAISContext->IsInCollector(it.Value()))
if (it.Value()->Type() != AIS_KOI_Datum)
if (!myAISContext->HasOpenedContext())
// AISContext is at neutral point
myAISContext->AddOrRemoveCurrentObject(it.Value(),Standard _False);
// AISContext has an opened Local Context
myAISContext->AddOrRemoveSelected(it.Value(),Standard_Fals e);
with regards Michael
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 15:16
Hello Michael ,
Thanks, but it is not exactly whant I want. I don't want to work with the AIS_InteractiveObjects from the neutral plane ( without local context ) , but with the sub-shapes of an AIS_Shape ( see my other mail for an example ).
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 15:22
It is exactly the same except that you use AddOrRemoveCurrentObject in neutral point and AddOrRemoveSelected for local context. It is divided through if ... then in my last example.
best regards Michael
PS: In your code sample: do you see selection of face1 and face2 on the screen ?
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 16:23
No , I don't see anything selected... That is where is my problem ..
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 15:02
Hi Sergey,
Thanks for the response. I've tried the function in a test programm ( I'm using NT ( visualC++ ) with Cascade 2.1 )
It seems not to work. If you can see what's wrong with my code...
TopoDS_Shape aBox = BRepAPI_MakeBox(1,1,1);
Handle_AIS_Shape anAISBox = new AIS_Shape(aBox);
TopExp_Explorer Exp;
TopoDS_Face theFace1;
TopoDS_Face theFace2;
if ( Exp.More() )
theFace1 = TopoDS::Face(Exp.Current());
if ( Exp.More() )
theFace2 = TopoDS::Face(Exp.Current());
if ( !theFace1.IsNull() )
if ( !theFace2.IsNull() )
int nb_selected = myAISContext->NbSelected();
cout << "NbSelected = " << nb_selected << endl;
// the output is 0
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 17:31
Hi Stephane!
I'm afraid that I was wrong with AddOrRemoveSelected method, nevertheless I can propose two ways to add a shape to the list of selected shapes.
1. Handle(StdSelect_BRepOwner) BO = new StdSelect_BRepOwner(shape,aisIO, 0, true);
// Where "shape" is shape to be selected, "aisIO" is AIS_InteractiveObject from
// which "shape" was decomposed.
Handle(AIS_Selection) sel = AIS_Selection::CurrentSelection();
sel->Select(BO); // Puts "shape" to the list of selected shapes
// Hilighting selected shapes
2. As there is LocalContext open you can create
a temporary AIS_Shape object from TopoDS_Shape
Handle(AIS_Shape) aisShape=new AIS_Shape(shape);
Handle(AIS_TypeFilter) TF=new AIS_TypeFilter(
if( !ctx->IsSelected(TF) ) {
ctx->AddFilter(TF); // To allow aisShape be selected
Best regards
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 18:10
Hi Sergey,
Thanks for your help.
I used the first solution , and it's working fine. BTW, I thought about the second solution ( it is more or less what I'm using in neutral point ), but I thought it's a pity to create a new AIS_Shape for that, because the information is already somewhere.
Wed, 03/22/2000 - 18:44
Hi Stephane!
If you want you can trade space for speed while making selected TopoDS_Shape.
You can retrieve CurrentSelection from AIS_InteractiveObject (IO), that IO has to be activated in the desired standard selection mode, to have SelectMgr_Selection (S) available. Then, iterating that S you can get SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity from them with method Owner() it's possible to retrieve StdSelect_BRepOwner's (BO) and find, using method Shape of BO, which one contains TopoDS_Shape you want to select.
As use BO to get the TopoDS_Shape selected I wrote in the previous letter. That's all.
Best regards
Sat, 05/27/2023 - 12:00
As Hightlight the object,my question is ,if I import a step file and parse the Face,Wire,Edge,Vertext and put them into a TreeCtrl,while I click the Item of TreeCtrl,the chosed object hightlight show by different color.
Do you have any suggestion?could you give me the C++ code to do it?