Backward Compatibility of OCCT 7.7.0 for Debian 10


Dear Open CASCADE Community,

Is backward compatibility provided in Open CASCADE version 7.7.0? I do the same things on 7.7.0 as I compiled 7.6.0 on Debian 10, however, my code that worked in the past is not working now.

Sample errors can be seen below image:

occt 7 7 0 errors on linux

Formerly I used these steps to build locally 7.6.0 version on Debian 10 and it worked.

cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/one/home/Desktop/OCCT_7_6_0
make -j8
make install

For 7.7.0, I use same steps for 7.7.0. It could be built. but my previous project is not working with new .so and headers (it occurs OpenGL Frame buffer errors).

Do you have any idea and do you have backward compatibility for OCCT 7.7.0 on Debian 10?

Thank you in advance!

gkv311 n's picture

Minor OCCT releases (7.X) always introduce API and ABI changes, so that you need using consistent header files and linkage libraries for building and running your application.

Nezihe Sözen's picture

Hello Kirill,

Thank you for your answer.

I've downloaded from this link:

And similarly, I use these steps:

cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/one/home/Desktop/OCCT_7_7_0
make -j8
make install

Are there any other requirements besides these? I couldn't understand "consistent header files and linkage libraries "  if something external is required. I don't use 7.6.0 headers or source files. I'm just following the steps I used to follow and I mentioned the old version to express that it worked before.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, the build process are not changed. You need to use the previous way to build and install OCCT.

But for update your application from 7.6.0 to 7.7.0 or other version you need to update your code(your sample).

The problem from screen(with QT) looks like a problem with incorrect linking(not all libraries are linked). Or you use(override) removed or changed methods. For more details you need to check the compiler and linker output and check the changes between used OCCT headers files and new ones.

Best ragards, Dmitrii.

gkv311 n's picture

Are there any other requirements besides these? I couldn't understand "consistent header files and linkage libraries " if something external is required. I don't use 7.6.0 headers or source files. I'm just following the steps I used to follow and I mentioned the old version to express that it worked before.

To me the linkage error looks like you are compiling the sample using headers on one OCCT version and link to libraries of another version. That's what I can deduce from just a single screenshot.

Take a deeper look onto compiler and linker logs (or share them) to check that sample is built against OCCT build that you expect.

Punam12's picture


When I upgraded my application to open cascade to 7.7 from open cascade 7.4, text is not getting displayed, Does anyone have solution for this?

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Which kind of text? AIS_TextLabel.

Please give a little more information(which tools are you use to display, which objects and more)

Best regards, Dmitrii.