Hi everybody, I would like to understand more of how OpenCASCADE works. What are your recommendations for books or articles on boundary representation and CAD generally? Thanks, Dirk
Sharjith Naramp... Tue, 02/05/2008 - 09:42
You can get lot of information from CAD/CAM related books about B-Rep and CSG, curves and surfaces. Some of the famous books are
1) CAD CAM theory and practice - Ibrahim Zeid
2) CAD CAM - Zimmer, Groover
Search by the authors mentioned.
You may find many others too.
Tue, 02/05/2008 - 09:42
You can get lot of information from CAD/CAM related books about B-Rep and CSG, curves and surfaces. Some of the famous books are
1) CAD CAM theory and practice - Ibrahim Zeid
2) CAD CAM - Zimmer, Groover
Search by the authors mentioned.
You may find many others too.
N. Sharjith
Tue, 06/19/2018 - 17:18
Hi everyone,
it will be helpful
Fri, 07/13/2018 - 11:22
Hi Dirk,
If you want learn more about OpenCacade, you can have a look at some examples here: MakeBottle
Hint: If you double click on an opencascade class-name in the code panel, occ help is shown.
Click on the right upper-box to see more examples.
Best regards, Guido