BSplCLib bug report/fix - any reaction?

Dear OpenCASCADE developers,

I have submitted a bug report quite a while ago and now a more proper fix:
Is it of no interest? It is quite confusing that there is no reaction at all.

Let me know if you need more info.

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Rostislav,

We highly appreciate your participation in improvement of Open CASCADE Technology, and we specially thank you for finding and killing bugs in this our Open Source software.

However we would like to remind you that there are certain rules we defined for those who want to submit their contributions.
These rules are detailed on our dedicated web portal, and I can give you a brief overview of them here below.

So, in order for your contribution to be processed, you need to:
1) Register on this development portal
2) Accept our CLA (Contribution License Agreement)
3) Register your issue in our public Mantis tracker, in 'Community' project (already done)
4) Test your changes using the available public testing facilities
5) Push your changes into a branch in our public Git repository
6) Wait for the integration or some feedback from the core team

Hope this can help you!
Best regards,
Forum supervisor

Rostislav Khlebnikov's picture

Alright, I will likely do that.