bug with IGESControl_Writer

I just write this line:

GESControl_Writer IgesWriter (Interface_Static::CVal("XSTEP.iges.unit"),Interface_Static::IVal("XSTEP.iges.writebrep.mode"));

I include:


The compilation is OK, but i have a message: null reference exeption in TKIGES.dll

In debug mode, I have this message in the console:
Warning: Interface_Static::CVal: incorrect parameter XSTEP.iges.unit
Warning: Interface_Static::IVal: incorrect parameter XSTEP.iges.writebrep.mode
Une exception non gérée du type 'System.NullReferenceException' s'est produite dans TKIGES.dll

I don't understand.
Is it a missing dll???

akta3d's picture

just add this line:


and it's OK

akta3d's picture

Sorry, just before the line:

IGESControl_Writer IgesWriter (Interface_Static::CVal("XSTEP.iges.unit"),Interface_Static::IVal("XSTEP.iges.writebrep.mode"));