Bug of Ray trace in OCC6.8.0

I have download opencascade 6.8.0. and I use vs2008 to compile it.All is OK. And My display card is NVIDIA GT210,it supoort Opengl 3.1.

Then I use these codes to enable ray trace and shadow:
Handle(V3d_View) aView = myAISContext->CurrentViewer()->ActiveView();
Graphic3d_RenderingParams& rayp = aView->ChangeRenderingParams();
rayp.Method = Graphic3d_RM_RAYTRACING;
rayp.IsShadowEnabled = Standard_True;
rayp.IsReflectionEnabled = Standard_True;

But i find nothing different after enable ray trace.

Last,I use "Viewer3d" sample in OCC6.8.0 install package.But the result also is nothing different.

Why can't eanble ray trace & shadows ? or Perhaps a bug of OCC 6.8.0 ?

shenrui's picture

Correction,my display card is NVIDIA Geforce 310,support opengl 3.3.
Why can't eanble ray trace & shadows ? or Perhaps a bug of OCC 6.8.0 ?

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear wawa,

Ray-Tracing functionality in OCCT currently requires:
- OpenGL 4.0+ or OpenGL 3.1+ with GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 extension
- GL_ARB_bindless_texture extension for textures support

It seems NVIDIA does not provide the driver with minimum requirements for GeForce 310 - the appropriate error should appear in Draw Harness console (if not - this is a bug).
This functionality requires more recent hardware.

Notice that earlier prototypes (before OCCT 6.8.0) might work on this card, but hardware performance would be likely insufficient for smooth rendering.

Best regards

shenrui's picture
