CAD Assistant "Error: No active WGL context!"

I installed the CAD Assistant today. Immediately after the installation it gave the "Error: No active WGL context!" at start, please see the screenshot attached. There is no way to "close" the error window.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

I have never seen this error before.
I would say this is some trouble with OpenGL drivers installed in system, but in this case there should also issues in User Interface - which is drawn correctly as far as I can see on screenshot.

Could you please provide some details about your software/hardware configuration and if you have been able using previous versions of CAD Assistant?

Vasily Marusov's picture


Hardware: Aspire F5-771G laptop, Intel Core i7-7500U @ 2.7GHz, 32GB RAM
OS: Windows x64 10 Pro, Version 1709, OS Build 16299.248

I've never tried the CAD Assistant before. CAD/CAMs (Autodesk Inventor, ANSYS workbench, ...) run smoothly.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

The CAD Assistant download page has been extended with a list of previous releases.

It would be useful if you check if previous release 0.9 has the same issue, or this is a new problem.

Vasily Marusov's picture

Sorry, I didn't find how to choose the release to download.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

There is a spoiler "Previous releases" right after the list of main downloading list on the page.

Vasily Marusov's picture

If I run CADAssistant.exe as administrator, I have no that strange error.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

That's quite interesting notice.

Vasily Marusov's picture

CAD Assistant version 0.9 runs without errors.