can not export iges to vrml in importexport MFC project opencascade

hi everyone,

i want to export file to vrml on importexport MFC project. First, i import iges file is ok and then i try to export it to vrml file but it has a problem.

i hope can anyone help me.
from cambodia student.

Ear MongHeng's picture

this is a error:

First-chance exception at 0x02924eb3 in ImportExport.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
Unhandled exception at 0x02924eb3 in ImportExport.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.

thank in advance.

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Ear,
I suggest you to provide the information allowing to reproduce
the posted problem:
- iges file;
- your local environment (OS, compiler, 32 |64 bit mode, Release|Debug...)

Ear MongHeng's picture

thank you for reply.
Dear Forum supervisor,
Can you see my error in the Attachment file.
-Hammer iges.jpg : i import it
-Error When Export the vrml.jpg : i export it

i hope u can resolve it for me.
thank in advance.

From Cambodia Student.

Ear MongHeng's picture

Error When Export the vrml.jpg file

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Ear,
There is nothing to do with pictures.
I suppose you are importing iges file.

Ear MongHeng's picture

Dear Forum supervisor,
Can you please give me a iges file.

thank in advance.
From Cambodia Student.

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Ear,
I am not sure that you understand my request in correct way.
At the initial post you wrote: "... First, i import iges file...".
So, I suggest you to attach to the post exactly this file.