Can we get some updated build docs?

I don't know what it is about Open Cascade but I spend about 90% of my development time trying to build and link this library properly. I would put forth the effort to write new docs myself...if I could even get a consistent build process. It is the #1 reason I am looking at Parasolid and Spatial about ACIS/CGM. I would love to put some effort into Open Cascade, but the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

I download the pre-compiled binaries...and none of the batch files work in a way that I can use reliably across machines. I download the source code and for some reason the builds between my machines doesn't work. I download a demo program....that person built it with different versions of the 3rd party libraries, and then I spend 6 hours trying to get my build to match theirs just so I can get a demo to run. Then I give up because I'm just wasting my time trying to get Open Cascade to work.

I had to get a new workstation at work, and now the development environment I had working between work+home+laptop isn't working anymore. The program I had started developing no longer compiles.

This is the only library I've ever had this much trouble getting a build to work. I've easily wasted 200+ hours just trying to get it to build consistently between my machines. It's bananas. I write my steps down in a word doc, get the build to compile on my laptop...then go to my desktop and follow the EXACT same instructions with the same IDE, the same Windows version...and the build fails to compile.

Anyways...I don't see anywhere else for feedback so its going here.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture


My apologies about not clear way for build OCCT. I will check our guides. But for sure, the binary packages should work through different machines. And they are working. But needs to locate folder with 3rd-party and OCCT and samples inside single folder root. (It is About 7.8 release)

As for a building procedure. You are always welcome to forum. But just to inform you, CMake is the main way to build OCCT.

If you would like to specific a question, it will be possible to help you :)

Best regards, Dmitrii.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

If you have some specific questions. Please let me know.

In 7.9. build procedure will be reorganized. Update old documentation is not prioritized now. We plan to update and simplify process itself(with new documentation).

Best regards, Dmitrii.