Mon, 12/18/2000 - 01:16
I'm trying to instanciate "MyOCAFApp" class but it doesn't seem to work.
First I tried to define the class myself but I quited.
Now I'm just trying to copy paste the class from SampleOcaf project.
I copied the files: TSampleOcaf_Application.cxx,hxx,ixx and jxx, and the file Handle_TSampleOcaf_Application.hxx.
I replaced all "TSampleOcaf_Application" text with "OCAFApp" in the files and in the files names.
Then I put #include "OCAFApp.hxx" in my CTesteApp source file.
I defined MyOCAFApp variable the same way as in the SampleOcaf project.
Ok I could compile and run.
But when I do "MyOCAFApp = new OCAFApp();" in the CTesteApp constructor I get a runtime error.
I followed execution step by step and the error occurs when MyOCAFApp empty constructor is called.
I also copied the plugin and resource file from SampleOcaf to a directory I specified in the 4 system variables: CSF_PluginDefaults CSF_PluginUserDefaults CSF_ResourcesDefaults and CSF_ResourcesUserDefaults.
I also changed the application name inside resources file to match the TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString I used in the formats function.
What's missing? Can anyone help me? Thanks
Tue, 12/19/2000 - 15:22
I have excactly the same problem. Are you developing on Win32 with MSVC? If so have you tried running the SampleOcaf from inside the MSVC environment, the same thing happens there !
Tue, 12/19/2000 - 17:50
Hello Simon. My SampleOCAF works fine(now). I'm not even sure what has missing. I just verified my system variables and now it works.