Sat, 06/10/2000 - 16:31
I would like to cast handle to TopoDS_Shape to something like void *, so that I can store the reference to the Shape in some C structures, that is completely independent of CAS.
This is what I have tried but, of course, it does not work since I am quite clueless in C++.
BRepTools::Read(aShape,file,aBuilder) (where file is some .brep file)
handle= reinterpret_cast
TopoDS_Shape& aShape= reinterpret_cast
The above is not correct but gives an idea of what I am trying to do. Question is: what is the correct way to get back to the TopoDS_Shape from the C style handle ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Tue, 06/13/2000 - 07:44
You can easily cast a reference to the Handle object to void*:
void *pointer;
Handle(Some_Class) aHandle;
// Here only a pointer will be copied
pointer = &aHandle;
// Here the Handle object will be copied
aHandle = *(Handle(Some_Class) *)pointer;
Best regards,