Chrash on Intel HD Graphics


Does anybody have experience with OCC on Intel HD Graphics?
We have a computer that has an onboard Intel HD Graphics card which makes our
application chrash the moment opengl gets initialized. No problems with other graphic cards so far. I know the Intel onboard graphic cards have poor opengl implementations.
Other Software that is using opengl on that computer runs just fine. We have no easy way to debug OCC on that computer. Is there some sort of test we can run to see if it might not support the PIXELFORMAT, DEPTH or properties like that?

Kind Regards,


Forum supervisor's picture

Dear Arjan,

We have an extensive experience in developing some functionality dedicated for using on Intel HD Graphics. For example our last efforts have been done to improve performance on Intel HD Graphics computers in MeshVS component. We can discuss all your problems and propose a solution acceptable for you. Please contact us via if you will decide to use our professional support services.

Best regards

Arjan Schouten's picture


After some investigation we found out that it is the call

m_hView->TriedronDisplay(Aspect_TOTP_LEFT_LOWER, Quantity_NOC_BLACK, 0.05, V3d_ZBUFFER);

That makes the application crash, removing the call fixes the issue.

In the meantime the customer upgraded his graphic card to a new nvidia one and the problem is the same. So it doesn't seam to be Intel releated.

Any suggestions what could be causing this?

Kind Regards,
