Colorize a object and write it out as a STEP File

Hi all,
Does anyone know how to colorize a Object(a Polygon e. g.). I found the class StepVisual_ColourRGB but I don't know how to use it. And there aren't much examples/descriptions in the internet.

Tilman Leune's picture

The XDE user's Guide elaborates on that in section 2.6.2 Adding a Color

you can find it in the %PROGRAMFILES%\OpenCASCADE6.3.0\doc - folder of your OCC Installation, named xde.pdf

horst-der-lasterhafte's picture

thanks, i tried it this way, but it didn't work. It is still without any colour.

horst-der-lasterhafte's picture

okay wait a second, i found this:

but due to a lack of Programs, which can read STEP incl. Colours, I can't take a look at the result.