Common Math Algorithms

#include <math_Vector.hxx> 
#include <math_Matrix.hxx>
  math_Vector a(1, 3, 1, 3);
  math_Vector b1(1, 3), b2(1, 3);
  math_Vector x1(1, 3), x2(1, 3);
  // a, b1 and b2 are set here to the appropriate values

  math_Gauss aSol(a);        // computation of the LU decomposition of A
  if (aSol.IsDone())         // is it OK ?
    aSol.Solve(b1, x1);      // yes, so compute x1
    aSol.Solve(b2, x2);      // then x2
  else                       // it is not OK:
    // fix up
    aSol.Solve(b1, x1);      // error:
    // StdFail_NotDone is raised

Hello, the sample how to run correct? Thank you!