Compiling Problem with QT tutorial

When I compiled the Tutorial project, I got the following error:
"Error: dependent '\Common\src\Common-icon.ts' does not exist."But the file "Common-icon.ts" is in "D:\OpenCASCADE6.7.1\opencascade-6.7.1\samples\qt\Common\src"
I use QT5.2,VS2010 and Open CASCADE6.7.1 on Windows 7 64bits.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Forum supervisor's picture

Dear we0704,
As you can see from OCCT "Release Notes ver.6.7.1" the release is certified for QT ver. 4.6.2. It was not tested for QT 5.2. FYI: the next release is planned to be certified for QT ver. 4.8.6.
Take it, please into account.
Best regards

we0704's picture

Thank you so much