Convert from GLTF to STEP



I am trying to make simple converter from GTLF (GLB) to STEP format. I am using a simple box as my test input (see attached .zip).

Reading of the GTLF file seems to work fine using:

# Create an handle to a document
doc = TDocStd_Document("gltf-convert-doc")
# Create GLTF reader
gltf_reader = RWGltf_CafReader()
read_status = gltf_reader.Perform(input_filename, Message_ProgressRange())
if read_status != IFSelect_RetDone:
  raise AssertionError("Could not load GLTF file")
# Get as single shape
shape = gltf_reader.SingleShape()

I get a single compound top level shape with 6 faces.

If i display it with:

# Display GLTF shape
display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display()
display.DisplayShape(shape, update=True)

Everything looks fine and box appears.

For converting and writing to STEP I am doing the following:

# Create STEP writer
step_writer = STEPControl_Writer()
Interface_Static.SetCVal("write.step.schema", "ap203")
# transfer shapes and write file
step_writer.Transfer(shape, STEPControl_AsIs)
write_status = step_writer.Write(output_filename)
if write_status != IFSelect_RetDone:
    raise AssertionError("Could not write STEP file.")

Which seems to be working. It produces a .stp file with content. But when I open the file with a CAD program (such a CAD Assistant) it shows nothing (see attached screenshot).

Any insight would be much appreciated.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, you trying to export mesh format into BRep format. In that case there are a few limitations.

1. CAD Assistent based on old OCCT and do not support STP with mesh

2. STP format support mesh only on AP214 and AP242. But I really recommend to use ONLY AP242

3. OCCT older then 7.7 do not support import or export STP files with mesh.

Best regards, Dmitrii

Kristian Ebdrup's picture

Thank you for the response.

I and using OCCT 7.8.1 and I have tried switching to AP242 with:

Interface_Static.SetCVal("write.step.schema", "AP242DIS")

I tried opening the converted .stp file in FreeCAD this time. However the result is the same, just an empty document.

I have also attempted to convert the shape into BRep format (probably naively so) using:

# Create builder and shell
builder = BRep_Builder()
shell = TopoDS_Shell()
# Iterate over faces and add to shell
it = TopoDS_Iterator(shape)
while it.More():
  face = it.Value()
  builder.Add(shell, it.Value())

# Create solid and add shell
solid = TopoDS_Solid()
builder.Add(solid, shell)

print("Solid topology")

With the topology dump output:

Solid topology
<class 'TopoDS_Solid'>
..<class 'TopoDS_Shell'>
....<class 'TopoDS_Face'>
....<class 'TopoDS_Face'>
....<class 'TopoDS_Face'>
....<class 'TopoDS_Face'>
....<class 'TopoDS_Face'>
....<class 'TopoDS_Face'>

But also no luck, is displays fine using DisplayShape(...), but the step file seems blank when opening, even though the file itself is not empty.

Is there another approach I could take for this type of conversion or what am I missing?

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

FreeCAD based on OCCT, Im not sure about their version.

Could you check the file content and check that file contains some faces inside as a a lot of doubles and so one.

Or could you share result file?

Related topics:

Error when build triangle meshes - Forum Open Cascade Technology

STL to STEP - Forum Open Cascade Technology

Best regards, Dmitrii.