Convert pcl openNurbs surface to opencascade surface and visualize it

I want open and visualize generated by pcl library surface in opencascade . What object I should use in opencascade to recreate openNurbsSurface?

Andrew Cunningham's picture


I was wondering if you were able to solve this issue. I need to do exactly the same thing - that is convert an opennurbs surface generated by a PCL surface fit to an opencascade nurb.


Roman Lygin's picture


If you are referring to conversion of an OpenNURBS surface to OCC Geom_BSplineSurface then we actually did this in our product. If interested please contact me at roman dot lygin at gmail dot com.



Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Roman,

If you have a solution for a particular problem, please, share it here so all the users can benefit from your informaiton.

This way you will follow the purpose of this forum - sharing knowledge about the use of Open CASCADE Technology.

Otherwise, your messages may look inappropriate.

Best regards,

Forum supervisor

Roman Lygin's picture

Hello Forum supervisor,

With responses like this I am trying to find a balance between a direct reference to our product and keeping the complete silence. You were uncomfortable in the past with the former and removed those messages (mine and others), so I am avoiding such. The latter option does not help an asking person in any way, right ? So mentioning that we might have the solution but leaving it up to the person to contact for more information or not might seem a reasonable trade-off.

Does this make sense ?

Best regards,


Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Roman,

Our Forum is not for promoting 3rd-party projects, either it is done explicitly or implicitly, it is for exchange of information about our software platform - Open CASCADE Technology.

If you want to help users of this Forum, help them here, on this Forum, by posting your advices, code samples etc.


Forum supervisor

Andrew Cunningham's picture


In fact,I found a solution to this though some googling.. I implemented the sample code found through the link below and it works. Google translate can help here!


Shing Liu's picture