Tue, 09/24/2002 - 14:24
After installing opencascade, the sample application crashes and the debugger points somewhere in the plugin loader and the exeption what is being raised there contains the following error message:
The call tree is the following:
Plugin::Load(const Standard_GUID & {...}) line 36 + 12 bytes
CDF_Session::LoadDriver() line 74 + 23 bytes
TDocStd_Application::TDocStd_Application() line 36
TSampleOcaf_Application::TSampleOcaf_Application() line 19 + 37 bytes
CSampleOcafApp::CSampleOcafApp() line 71 + 40 bytes
Do you have an idea how this problem can be solved?
Tue, 09/24/2002 - 14:27
See when u install fresh OpenCascade. You also have to make some setting in Visual Studio. I hope u have done it. If not they are available at FAQ option "Windows Specific Issuse-Using VC++ environment......" in Community Tag of website
Next after setting open the workspace (Your Example) then build it. I think your problem will be solved.