Wed, 11/08/2023 - 01:19
I am looking to manipulate a camera in pythonocc. I want to make an orbit camera:
Camera is always looking at 0,0,0 Right Mouse Drag X rotates camera around the y axis in the scene Right Mouse Drag Y raises or lowers the tilt or yaw of the camera, but to never exceed 90 deg or go below -90 deg Mouse Wheel zooms in or out Left Mouse to select or draw a rect to select multiple items My approach is to make a new qtViewer class redefining the mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, and mouseReleaseEvent functions. I can work out the math for it later, but I'm struggling to find the right method to rotate around a specific axis, not the view's up axis.
I think the info is on OpenCascade's codebase, specifically: v3d_view & Rotate The issue is I don't know how to reference the V3d_TypeOfAxe listed as a possible parameter. I've found it under src/SWIG_files/wrapper/V3d.pyi
So, am I on the right track? Am I right that if I can somehow use the v3d_TypeOfAxe_->V3d_Y I could rotate around the upwards axis?