Data exchange capabilities of OCC (ACIS, PARASOLID, GRANITE, ...)

Can somebody from OCC inform me about the current status with data exchange capabilities? Especially the technical and financial conditions to be able to write ACIS, PARASOLID and GRANITE files out of OCC.
Thanks a lot

Rob Bachrach's picture

Check out:

The links on the left have details on the different capabilities.
If you need more info, use the marketing e-mail at the bottom of the page.

Saruemon's picture

Dear Rob,

Thank you so much for your info and that is very valuable for me, as I am now looking for parasolid read things.

But as far as I flick through OCC 6.1.0 source files in the material I have just downloaded, I was only able to find IGES and STEP codes in it.

Could you tell me what project is, if any, related to parasolid read?

Or if you provide parasolid read function separately from the downloadable material, could you tell me HOW? - For example, do you provide extra source codes for parasolid things for a fee? Or do you just provide library and header files? And so on.

Thank you,

P Dolbey's picture

I think you need to re-read Rob's link with emphasis on the words "optional" and "pricing". This product is a paid-for add-on to the open source OCC.
