Display correct model tree from step file.


I have two step files.
When opened this step files in the Audodesk and Creo I can see the same model tree.
But when I load these same step files in CADAssistant, I can see only two components.
I even tried to read the these step files using the step_cafreader and check the assembly and part components but the result is same as CADAssistant.

Can anyone help me to get the correct model tree from the step file in Open CASCADE irrespective of the source app of the step file?
I have attached the step files for the reference.


Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Could you share screen of the tree from external solutions?

Best regards, Dmitrii.

Vikas Beske's picture

Hi Dmitrii,

Please find the attached files for model tree from Creo app.


Vikas Beske's picture

Hi Dmitrii,

Any update on this?


Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture


Your question is being processed.

If you need quick technical support for your project, please contact the customer service team. Technology Support - Open Cascade

Best regards, Dmitrii.

Vikas Beske's picture

Hi Dmitrii,

I have messaged the Tech Support, waiting for the reply.
Until then can you help me to find the code where we are creating the shape object from the step entities we read in the step reader.
I tried finding the code but did not get it. Can you point out to the exactly class and function where we can get that conversion?


Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

High level class is STEPControl_ActorRead working on conversion from STEP to TopoDS_Shape.

Just a answering a question from Client support (w/o contract) is more longer then using a dev forum.

Best regards, Dmitrii.