Docker image for web assembly sample

Hello everyone

I have created a docker image of wasm sample. You can check it from following link.

I think it is important to do that in every distribution. Docker files can be good guide lines to run source code.

Please notify me any opinion about this docker image.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

Thanks for sharing the image.

Could you please elaborate to others unfamiliar with docker hub - what is the purpose of this image and to whom it could be useful?

Brian Watt's picture

Okan Pinar,

Excellent work! Thank you.

If you have time, could you please add to your GITHUB that to run the sample the user needs to execute the following commands 'docker pull okanpin/opencascade_wasm_sample', followed by 'docker run -d -p <port>:7000 okanpin/opencascade_wasm_sample' and enter URL 'http://localhost:<port>' into their web browser.

Brian Watt

Okan Pinar's picture

Hello Brian.

Your pull request were merged. Thanks for pr.