Tue, 08/15/2017 - 09:20
i want to start the DRAWEXE with a given command. In my case it´s "testgrid" to start all the tests directly.
I found a commandline option "-c" here.
If I start the DRAWEXE with this option I get an results folder with a new testresult folder and empty subfolders for my testgroups.
The DRAWEXE says "Draw[1]> can not find channel named "stdout"" and the DRAWEXE closes immediately.
Starting the DRAWEXE with out arguments and calling "testgrid" in shell works fine.
Is there any documentation, how I could do this?
Thanks for help, Andreas
Tue, 08/15/2017 - 13:00
This is known issue (although not sure there is a registered bug for it), and it looks like a bug in Tcl itself (not Draw Harness).
Are you starting Draw Harness on Windows or another platform?
Sat, 08/19/2017 - 16:25
Note that on Windows you can workaround the issue using the batch script like this: