Face Selection in Salome

This will sound like a stupid question, but I have been struggling for four days and have nowhere else to go. I have a STEP file of a CAD that I uploaded to the Geometry in Salome 9.12 (I am using Windows 10). It's a CAD of a box, and inside the box, there is a geometry of an aircraft. When I try to select one face of the box in Salome's Geometry so I can hide it and view the aircraft, I can't. I cannot select a face. When I click my mouse, it selects the full body (full box). I tried right-clicking and then choosing Select Only Faces, but it still selects the entire body when I click on it. You know what's weird...when I try the Create Group feature and choose the face option, I can select faces. But outside of the Create Group option, I cannot select faces.

I hope someone can help.