Faces are not properly created from wire data.

I have aligned the section plane along the axis and am attempting to split the model in half. Refer attachment. (Image 1)
I was able to achieve this using the [color=blue]BRepAlgoAPI_Section[/color] class.
After performing the sectioning, I retrieve the TopoDS_Shape` from the result, which represents the portion of the model cut by the plane.
I retrieved all the edges and stored them in the variable `m_edges`.
When I visualized the edges in `m_edges`, the results were as expected, with the capping edges being correctly retrieved." (refer attachment Image 2)

I am using [color=blue]ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ConnectEdgesToWires(m_edges, 0.0, false, outEdges)[/color] to the the wire from edges.
I used `outEdges` to create a face, but the face was not generated correctly, as shown in the attachment. (Image 3)

Could you please assist me with this? How can I resolve the issue?"