Wed, 01/03/2018 - 22:14
Hello everybody,
Currently i have a simple method which creates a boxed shape and adds it to the XCAF Document.
The vector parameter sets the location of the shape. This seems to work nicely.
Creating the Shape
bool CreateModel(Vector^ vector)
// Create Geometry
BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox make(2, 2, 2);
TopoDS_Shape shape = make.Shape();
// Add Transformation
gp_Trsf transformation;
transformation.SetTranslation(gp_Vec(vector->X, vector->Y, vector->Z));
BRepBuilderAPI_Transform transform(shape, transformation, Standard_True);
shape = transform.Shape();
// Add Color
Handle(XCAFDoc_ColorTool) color = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ColorTool(_doc->Main());
Quantity_Color shapeColor(192 / 255, 192 / 255, 192 / 255, Quantity_TOC_RGB);
color->SetColor(shape, shapeColor, XCAFDoc_ColorGen);
// Add Shape
Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool) assembly = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool(_doc->Main());
TDF_Label label = assembly->AddShape(shape);
// Add Name
const char* name = shape.TShape()->get_type_name();
TDataStd_Name::Set(label, name);
return true;
Getting Shapes
The following method just iterates through all shapes in an assembly to get common infos.
Currently i am reading color and name of a shape. This works excellently. I have some problems to get the correct coordinate of that previously created shape within the assembly.
IEnumerable<StepPart^>^ Session::GetParts()
List<StepPart^>^ parts = gcnew List<StepPart^>();
Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool) assembly = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool(_doc->Main());
Handle(XCAFDoc_ColorTool) color = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ColorTool(_doc->Main());
TDF_LabelSequence shapes;
for (int i = 1; i <= shapes.Length(); ++i) {
TopoDS_Shape shape = assembly->GetShape(shapes.Value(i));
if (shape.IsNull()) continue;
TDF_Label label = assembly->FindShape(shape);
if (label.IsNull()) continue;
Quantity_Color shapeColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, Quantity_TOC_RGB);
if (color->GetColor(shape, XCAFDoc_ColorGen, shapeColor)
|| color->GetColor(shape, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf, shapeColor)
|| color->GetColor(shape, XCAFDoc_ColorCurv, shapeColor))
Handle(TDataStd_Name) nameAttribute;
if (!label.FindAttribute(TDataStd_Name::GetID(), nameAttribute)) continue;
String^ name = Utilities::ToString(nameAttribute->Get());
// Here i want to know the position of that given shape
// to show some debug informations for the user.
TopLoc_Location location = shape.Location();
gp_Trsf transformation = location.Transformation();
gp_XYZ translation = transformation.TranslationPart();
StepPosition^ position = gcnew StepPosition(translation.X(), translation.Y(), translation.Z());
StepPart^ part = gcnew StepPart(name, gcnew StepColor(shapeColor.Red() * 255, shapeColor.Green() * 255, shapeColor.Blue() * 255), position);
return gcnew List<StepPart^>(parts);
Currently x y z values are always 0.0.
TopLoc_Location location = shape.Location();
gp_Trsf transformation = location.Transformation();
gp_XYZ translation = transformation.TranslationPart(); // always ends up 0.0000
Did i miss some understanding how to use the location of a shape? Can someone direct me into the right way how to obtain the location in the global 3D space after an shape has been added to an assembly?
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Fri, 12/14/2018 - 14:26
I have a similar problem. Using BRepBuilderAPI_Transform move the shape relative to the global coordinate system, but leaves the local origin intact. Is this the expected behavior? If so, how could I move the local origin and position the shape related to that?
Wed, 03/20/2024 - 00:42
Hi guys, did you solve this? Facing the same issue.