Wed, 06/14/2023 - 16:47
How can I get the solid, faces, edges, and vertices from this STEP file id:
#28=TRIANGULATED_FACE('',#26,10,((-1000.,-0.,-0.)),$,(),((10,9,8),(10,8,7),(10,7,6),(10,6,5),(10,5,4),(10,4,3),(10,3,2),(10, 2,1)));
Thanks in advance.
Fri, 06/16/2023 - 11:26
Current version of STEP import(step model) do not offer easy way to do this. You need to find STEP_Entity by ID(this operation has bad performance). I recommend to collect to own map after import. After that you be able to get TopoDS_Shape from session by STEP_Entity.
Best regards, Dmitrii.