Mon, 06/19/2023 - 13:31
I have this function:
shape = read_step_file(input_path) t = TopologyExplorer(shape) edges = [] for edge_idx, edge in enumerate(t.edges()): d = {'edge': edge, 'edge_index': edge_idx, 'vertices_coordinates': []} vertices = t.vertices_from_edge(edge) for i, vertice in enumerate(vertices): c = vertice.DumpJsonToString() c = '{' + c + '}' data = json.loads(c) point = data["TShape"]["Pnt"]['gp_Pnt'] d['vertices_coordinates'].append(point) edges.append(d) return edges
But this code doesn't give me the global coordinates, only the local ones.
I draw the edges and the shape, and they don't match.
The result is in the attachment.
How to get the global?
Mon, 06/19/2023 - 13:33
The result I want is this:
Wed, 07/05/2023 - 16:35
Hi Jorge,
I'm not sure about local and global, but this is how i get vertex coordinates of an edge: