Gitweb and Mantis integration

Hi all,

I will be setting up a local Git server and have studied and tested several solutions. We have been using Mantis as our issue tracker for several years now and we're happy with it. Many Git server solutions have an in build issue tracker and that is not what we're after.

Opencascade has a nice, simple Gitweb - Mantis connection, is it possible for you to share the modifications you've made to Gitweb and Mantis?

Sincerely, jrintane

Alexander ISHMURADOV's picture

Hi jrintane,

first of all, thank you for your interest!

We're using a custom JavaScript on GitWeb side that parses an HTML and searches for branch names and commits containing issue numbers. This script gathers all the issue numbers and requests MantisBT for more information (issue subjects, statuses, etc.). Then the script updates HTML page properly.

On the MantisBT side we have created a simple php backend script that returns a JSON data in accordance with the requested issue numbers.

As you can see, this approach depends heavily on naming conventions for branches and commits. In a nutshell, we made it a rule to call branches like "CR12345" ("CR" - means "contribution request"; 12345 - issue number) and include an issue number to the first line of a commit message. In this way we may detect the related MantisBT issue from branch / commit name. Read more about our git naming conventions:

If you like such an approach, I can share both GitWeb and MantisBT scripts e.g. on GitHub.


JuhaniR's picture

Hi Alexander,

Thank you very much for your reply. The approach you've got is actually exactly something that I am after - a simple solution to connect MantisBT ant GitWeb.

If it were possible for you to share those scripts on GitHub, well that would be just great and that would be useful for all the people looking for similar solution. Thank you for your time!

Sincerely, jrintane

Alexander ISHMURADOV's picture

Hi Juhani,

I've done it finally - pushed this tool to GitHub :)

Please have a look:

I hope you'll manage to customize these scripts to fit your needs. Your feedback will be appreciated as well!


JuhaniR's picture

Hi Alexander,

Thank you very much for your effort and sorry for the late notice! I'll look into it as soon as get some time to set up the server to try it out.

Sincerely, Juhani