Graphic3d_ShaderProgram PushVariableFloat Update crash

Hello everyone, when I used Graphic3d_ShaderProgram of occt 7.4.0, I wrote XRay.vs and XRay.fs two coloring fragments. Add the shader to the selected model through the first code below, but in myAISContext-> CurrentViewer ()-> Update (); when the program crashes, but if you remove the three PushVariableFloat places and change the uniform in XRay.fs to a local variable, the program can execute normally and the shader can also function normally. I wonder if you have encountered this problem? Thank you.

Handle(Graphic3d_ShaderProgram) aProgram;
aProgram = new Graphic3d_ShaderProgram();
Handle(Graphic3d_ShaderObject) vertexshader=Graphic3d_ShaderObject::CreateFromFile(Graphic3d_TOS_VERTEX, maSrcVert);
Handle(Graphic3d_ShaderObject) fragmentshader = Graphic3d_ShaderObject::CreateFromFile(Graphic3d_TOS_FRAGMENT, maSrcFrag);
if (vertexshader.IsNull())
if (fragmentshader.IsNull())
if (!vertexshader->IsDone())
if (!fragmentshader->IsDone())
Standard_Boolean attach1=aProgram->AttachShader(vertexshader);
Standard_Boolean attach2=aProgram->AttachShader(fragmentshader);
if ((!attach1)||(!attach2))
if (!aProgram->IsDone())
Standard_Boolean set1=aProgram->PushVariableFloat("edgefalloff", 2.0f);
Standard_Boolean set2=aProgram->PushVariableFloat("intensity", 2.0f);
Standard_Boolean set3 = aProgram->PushVariableFloat("ambient", 0.01f);
if ((!set1)||(!set2)||(!set3))
Handle(Prs3d_ShadingAspect) aNewAspect = new Prs3d_ShadingAspect();

// XRay.vs
varying vec3 N;
varying vec3 I;
varying vec4 Cs;

//! Computes the normal in view space
vec3 TransformNormal (in vec3 theNormal)
  vec4 aResult = occWorldViewMatrixInverseTranspose
               * occModelWorldMatrixInverseTranspose
               * vec4 (theNormal, 0.0);
  return normalize (;

//! Entry point to the Vertex Shader
void main ()
  N = TransformNormal (occNormal);
  vec4 P = occWorldViewMatrix * occModelWorldMatrix * occVertex;
  I = (0);
  Cs = occColor;
  gl_Position = occProjectionMatrix * occWorldViewMatrix * occModelWorldMatrix * occVertex;
// Xray.fs
// vertex to fragment shader io
varying vec3 N;
varying vec3 I;
varying vec4 Cs;

// globals
uniform float edgefalloff;
uniform float intensity;
uniform float ambient;

// entry point
void main ()
    float opac = dot (normalize (-N), normalize (-I));
    opac = abs (opac);
    opac = ambient + intensity * (1.0-pow (opac, edgefalloff));
    // opac = 1.0-opac;

    gl_FragColor = opac * Cs;
    gl_FragColor.a = opac;


Kirill Gavrilov's picture

The callstack with the crash (with debug OCCT build) may help to reveal what might be wrong.

w d's picture

Hello. I finally compiled occt 7.4.0 in android studio and can debug normally.
I can finally debug the previously mentioned issue of setting variables for shader programs that will crash.

During the debugging process, I found the situation in Figure 1 2 3 4. The key place is position 2 in Figure 2. During dynamic_cast, the returned value is NULL, causing the program to crash.

I don't know if you can give some suggestions? Also, can you take a look at the question here

The same problem occurs when the conversion result is NULL when the type is converted, causing the program to crash.

Kirill Gavrilov's picture

The symptoms with dynamic_cast unexpectedly returning NULL look similar to the following Android NDK bug:

If this is your case (compare symptops and preconditions) - you may try to reanimate existing report to Google or create a new one and try providing more details (as previous one has been closed due to lack of details).

w d's picture

ok!Thanks a lot.

I do some change as the search result from google(search the dynamic_cast NULL).Then it works. the occt 7.4.0 with cppflags -frtti -fexceptions my project with cppflags -frtti -fexceptions

3.remove the loadLibVerbos(including the occt library and the gnustl_shared)

You are so friendly.

Also, can you take a look at the question here