How to access global variables in a proc function loaded with the source command?

Hello, I have been experimenting with the DRAW environment and was attempting to use a proc call. The proc is stored in a file that i am importing with the source command. I think my understanding of the upvar command is somehow flawed. Thanks for any help or hints that point in the right direction.

my main script:

pload all
vinit View1

box b 8.0 10.0 15.0
explode b E


source /showEdges.tcl


my /showEdges.tcl file:

proc display_all_edges {} {
    # List all variables in the current session
    set all_vars [directory]

    foreach var $all_vars {
        # Use upvar to link the local variable 'edgeVar' to the global variable named by 'var'
        upvar #0 $var edgeVar

        # Get the output of the 'whatis' command for the global variable
        set var_info [whatis $var]

        # Print the variable name and its type information
        puts "Checking variable: $var -> $var_info"

        # Check if the output contains the word "edge"
        if {[string match "*EDGE*" $var_info]} {
            # Attempt to display the edge variable and handle any errors
            if {[catch {vdisplay $var} result]} {
                puts "Error displaying $var: $result"
            } else {
                puts "Successfully displayed edge: $var"
        } else {
            puts "$var is not an edge, skipping."

    puts "Done displaying all edge variables."

Errors related to variables produced with the explode command:

Error: object with name 'b_7' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_8' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_9' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_10' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_1' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_11' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_2' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_12' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_3' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_4' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_5' does not exist! Error: object with name 'b_6' does not exist!
gkv311 n's picture

Pay attention that you are giving shape variable names to vdisplay, so that this command called inside procedure should be able to find provided variables by name.

I don't think you need upvar here - just call vdisplay with uplevel #0 vdisplay prefix to ensure that it will work at global state. The 3d viewer in DRAW is a global object anyway.

Take a look at drawObject in Samples.

Mike Molinari's picture

Thanks. This was a pure skill issue relating to how TCL works. Thanks for explaining the uplevel #0 prefix for commands that need to touch the global scope.