Mon, 01/06/2025 - 21:20
I want to create a line that have consistent profile along it direction. Just like window or picture frame.
Here is the code : The first picture is faulty line, and the second is more or less the desired result. I don't know how to set orientation of the fillet profile so it is proper. I would appreciate any help
TopoDS_Shape CreateDoorPath() {
const double mm = 1.0 / 1000.0;
// Hardcoded points data
double radius = 1000.0 * mm;
gp_Pnt p1(p1Data[0] * mm, p1Data[1] * mm, p1Data[2] * mm);
gp_Pnt p2(p2Data[0] * mm, p2Data[1] * mm, p2Data[2] * mm);
gp_Pnt p3(p3Data[0] * mm, p3Data[1] * mm, p3Data[2] * mm);
gp_Pnt p4(p4Data[0] * mm, p4Data[1] * mm, p4Data[2] * mm);
// Create sharp edges between consecutive points
TopoDS_Edge edge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p1, p2);
TopoDS_Edge edge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p2, p3);
TopoDS_Edge edge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p3, p4);
TopoDS_Edge edge4 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(p4, p1); // Close the path
// Create a wire from the edges
TopoDS_Wire wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge1, edge2, edge3, edge4);
// Create the circular profile aligned to the first point
gp_Dir spineDirection = gp_Dir(0, 1, 0);
gp_Ax2 profileAxis(p1, spineDirection); // Profile orientation at the start of the spine
Handle(Geom_Circle) circle = new Geom_Circle(profileAxis, radius);
TopoDS_Edge profileEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle);
TopoDS_Wire profileWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(profileEdge);
// Create the pipe with dynamic profile orientation
BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell pipeShell(wire); // Use the sharp wire
gp_Dir biNormal(0, 0, 1);
pipeShell.SetMode(biNormal); // Enable dynamic orientation
// Build the pipe
if (!pipeShell.IsDone()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Pipe creation failed.");
// Return the final pipe shape
return pipeShell.Shape();
int main() {
// Draw curve in OCCT
TopoDS_Shape pipeShape = CreateDoorPath();