How can I convert DXF to STL (or other CAD formats) ?

I love CAD Assistant. It has saved me a butt load of work in the past.

Sadly, while it supports every major CAD format it does not open DXF files.

Does anyone know how I would go about converting a DXF file to STL or OBJ ?



Forum supervisor's picture

Hello Fouad,

OPEN CASCADE provides an additional SDK to read and write DXF files – see

We shall contact you on your personal email with further details.

Best regards,

Forum supervisor

P G's picture

Thanks for the information. As indicated in the page link provided bu you, 


Two levels of data conversion are available:

  •  BRep data (geometrical and topological data),
  •  Attributes (colors, names and assembly structure) associated with BRep data.

Reading of such data from files of all known format versions is possible, writing supports versions R10 and earlier, R12, R13, R14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010.

BRep data can be transferred alone, or together with the associated attributes.


So what about 2D drawing data with detailing information which is usually stored with DXF files ? Is the OCC library handing 3D DXF data which is mapped to BREP information ? 


Forum supervisor's picture

Hello PG,

To give you a grounded answer, may we have a sample DXF file that contains "2D drawing data with detailing information" you refer to?

Thanks in advance!

Forum supervisor