Wed, 07/17/2002 - 17:50
Hi, everybody:
I come across a very basic problem: how to compute the intersection of one line and one circle? ( in 3D space ). And more general, how to compute intersections of two 3D curve? i.e. Geom_Curve?
It seems very easy, but I couldn't find any solution directly in OCC. There is Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve, or
GeomAPI_IntCS & IntSS, but there is no GeomAPI_IntCC!
Could somebody help me?
Wed, 07/17/2002 - 18:38
did you try GeomAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve and test if the LowerDistance < Precision::Confusion() ?
Just a workaround.
Tue, 07/23/2002 - 07:34
I am trying to make a sketcher. For that I have already completed making of Points, Lines and Circles interactively. For creation of Point using the intersection option I have converted the two 3d curves to 2d using GeomAPI::To2d, computed the intersection point using Geom2dAPI_InterCurveCurve and made the gp_Pnt2d result back to 3d. It works.