How to create the cylinder shell?


Hello, please tell me. How to create and save (STEP) the cylinder shell, i.e. to have the top and bottom open, just one side surface

gkv311 n's picture
BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder aBuilder(100.0, 50.0);
if (!aBuilder.IsDone()) { Error }

TopoDS_Face aFace = aBuilder.Face();
STEPControl_Writer aWriter;
if (aWriter.Transfer (aFace, STEPControl_AsIs) != IFSelect_RetDone) { Error }
if (aWriter.Write ("cylinder.stp") != IFSelect_RetDone) { Error }
Vladimir Ivanov's picture

Thank you very much. I overdid it myself, I started using gp_Cylinder, convert to Surface etc. Everything turned out to be much simpler.