Mon, 09/26/2022 - 02:33
On the 2D layer, I tried Sample2D_Image and AIS_TexturedShape and set their AlphaCutoff, but nothing happened. Here is my code:
// create the textured shape
Handle(AIS_TexturedShape) myTexturedShape = new AIS_TexturedShape(MakeIconShape(size, size));
// set the image
Handle(Image_AlienPixMap) anImage = new Image_AlienPixMap();
if (!anImage->Load(file_name))return false;
// set the AlphaCutoff
Handle(Prs3d_Drawer) hDrawer = myTexturedShape->Attributes();
hDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect()->SetAlphaMode(Graphic3d_AlphaMode_Mask, .3);
// Place it on a 2D layer to display
Graphic3d_Vec2i offset(margin_left, size+maring_top);
myAISContext->SetTransformPersistence(myTexturedShape, new Graphic3d_TransformPers(Graphic3d_TMF_2d, Aspect_TOTP_LEFT_UPPER, offset));
// Update the display
myAISContext->Display(myTexturedShape, Standard_True);
The MakeIconShape involved in the above code is as follows:
TopoDS_Face MakeIconShape(int width, int height)
TopoDS_Edge E1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0.), gp_Pnt(width, 0, 0.));
TopoDS_Edge E2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Pnt(width, 0, 0.), gp_Pnt(width, height, 0.));
TopoDS_Edge E3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Pnt(width, height, 0.), gp_Pnt(0, height, 0.));
TopoDS_Edge E4 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Pnt(0, height, 0.), gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0.));
TopoDS_Wire anImageBounds = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(E1, E2, E3, E4);
TopoDS_Face result = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(gp_Pln(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp_Dir(0, 0, 1)), anImageBounds);
return result;
Attached is a PNG picture with transparent color
Mon, 09/26/2022 - 10:05
You are changing properties of undefined aspect here - it will crash with NULL-dereference within OCCT 7.7.0 (in older versions it would lead to undefined results).
And it is better not using obsolete class AIS_TexturedShape, and use AIS_Shape instead.
Tue, 09/27/2022 - 15:57
Thank you, just add this statement and the alpha test will be normal: