Wed, 12/04/2024 - 10:58
I am currently working with the 7.8.2 dev C++ version and Visual Studio 2022 to extract meaningful data from STEP files and convert it into other formats.
As shown in the image below, some STEP files contain a line(s) with an MEASURE_REPRESENTATION_ITEM command. I intend to extract data defined in that line, such as volume measure, area measure, center point, etc., and associate the extracted data with the corresponding TDF_Label(s).
The UDA extraction feature, available from version 7.8.2 dev, does not process the above data.
I would appreciate it if you could provide relevant example links or code.
YD Kim
Wed, 12/04/2024 - 13:55
Hello, it is a "validation property" that functionality supported for a long time. ( Extracting:
Best regards, Dmitrii.
Fri, 12/06/2024 - 08:45
Thank you, Dmitrii!!
It gonna be much helpful to me :)
Could I ask one thing?
When I convert 'toycar_assy.stp' file through the commercial CAD software, a few attributes are found, which do not belong to the UDA and Validation property classification: Local Unit, MakeOrBuy, ProductDefinition, ProductID, ProductName.
Would you give me any clue to get these entities?
YD Kim
Fri, 12/06/2024 - 14:07
Probably you saying about Hoops or similar. Yes, we are planning to offer the same functionality. It is extraction from PRODUCT. Unfortunatelly, it is not defined by schemas. It is a not direct property extracted by special needs. Similar patch: 0033660: Data Exchange, Step Import - Adding product attributes to metadata - MantisBT
Still in progress.
Best regards, Dmitrii.