How to extract descriptive representation item of a shape entity


I am currently working with the 7.8.2 dev C++ version and Visual Studio 2022 to extract meaningful data from STEP files and convert it into other formats.

As shown in the image below, some STEP files contain a line(s) with an MEASURE_REPRESENTATION_ITEM command. I intend to extract data defined in that line, such as volume measure, area measure, center point, etc., and associate the extracted data with the corresponding TDF_Label(s).

The UDA extraction feature, available from version 7.8.2 dev, does not process the above data.

I would appreciate it if you could provide relevant example links or code.

YD Kim

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Hello, it is a "validation property" that functionality supported for a long time. ( Extracting:

Best regards, Dmitrii.

yd kim's picture

Thank you, Dmitrii!!

It gonna be much helpful to me :)

Could I ask one thing?

When I convert 'toycar_assy.stp' file through the commercial CAD software, a few attributes are found, which do not belong to the UDA and Validation property classification: Local Unit, MakeOrBuy, ProductDefinition, ProductID, ProductName.

Would you give me any clue to get these entities?

YD Kim

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Probably you saying about Hoops or similar. Yes, we are planning to offer the same functionality. It is extraction from PRODUCT. Unfortunatelly, it is not defined by schemas. It is a not direct property extracted by special needs. Similar patch: 0033660: Data Exchange, Step Import - Adding product attributes to metadata - MantisBT

Still in progress.

Best regards, Dmitrii.