Sat, 06/29/2024 - 08:41
Hello suppose I have object A which is a box and object B which is a cylindrical shell. If I perform a cut operation cut(A, B) the resulting box now has a "island" that was cut out by the cylindrical shell. I was wondering if there is a quick way to retrieve this "island". I was not able to find anyone talking about this on the forums sorry in advance if this has already been discussed here.
Currently I implemented a naive solution where I perform a BFS search to group faces together. With this method I am able to get the "islands" but I was wondering if OCCT has a native implementation for this or if someone has a better suggestion than my BFS search implementation.
Thank you !
- Alfredo
Sun, 06/30/2024 - 05:31
I was able to figure out a better solution !
Using the TopExp and re looking at the documentation. More specially this line "The result of the Boolean operation is a compound (if defined). Each sub-shape of the compound has shared sub-shapes in accordance with interferences between the arguments." helped.
Fri, 07/26/2024 - 22:18
Hello, I'm also on similar page where i'm trying to recognise island feature. But the algo which i'm trying is not working. basically i'm trying to find the internal loop on a face and then trying to see if each edge is convex or convcav. But i'm unable to get edge convex/concave properly. can you help me if you have any sort of idea on this. Thanks!
Sat, 07/06/2024 - 01:27
sorry man... this platform isn't as helpful as one would hope it to be. we'll try to be more active and hopefully make it a better learning environment!