Mon, 09/18/2017 - 17:39
I want to get all unique vertices from a shape. For example, if we consider a box, it has 8 vertices. I want to get the 8 vertices values. I used the following codes. However, it returns 48 vertices (6 faces * 4 wires in each face * 2 vertices in each wire).
TopExp_Explorer ex;
Standard_Integer count=0;
for (ex.Init(topoDSShape, TopAbs_VERTEX); ex.More(); ex.Next())
TopoDS_Vertex vertex = TopoDS::Vertex(ex.Current());
gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vertex);
Standard_Real x= pt.X();
Standard_Real y= pt.Y();
Standard_Real z= pt.Z();
TCollection_ExtendedString msg = "Vertex ";
msg += ++count;
msg += " is: X=";
msg += x;
msg += ", Y=";
msg += y;
msg += ", Z=";
msg += z;, msg);
TCollection_ExtendedString msg = "Total Vertices are: ";
msg += count;, msg);
How can I get the unique 8 vertices for a box or unique vertices for any shape (cylinder, sphere ….)?
I am looking forward your help.
Mon, 06/17/2019 - 12:48
1. create a function to compare 2 gp_pnt
2. create a List<gp_pnt>
3. look if your new gp_pnt is already included in your list, if not add it
4. enjoy your unique vertices