How to use CAD Assistant for ray tracing/photo-realistic rendering

How can I use CAD Assistant for render my models? Like CADRays

gkv311 n's picture

Maybe this video tutorial will help to do first steps.

I am rejecting all deals Momo's picture

Thank you it helps but this is not complete tutorial and I cant learn everything from here. Is another source for it?

gkv311 n's picture

I don't think there is another tutorial. But you may ask questions at which step you need a help (what doesn't work, what cannot be found, etc.).

I am rejecting all deals Momo's picture

for example I dont know how to add and position light, and sometimes I can apply material some times cant. And how to save result as png. And how to add custom background?

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

I'm not familiar with lighting in CAD Assistent. But as for a saving into PNG. You just need to save scena. It is possible to do by clicking on Button ("Save or send file or snapshot").

Best regards, Dmitrii.

I am rejecting all deals Momo's picture

can you check my other question? I uploaded example about what is not working

gkv311 n's picture

for example I dont know how to add and position light

Well, you can't :(. CAD Assistant has no interface to add arbitrary light sources - you may change only directional light and ambient light.

and sometimes I can apply material some times cant.

Probably this needs some model samples to see what might be wrong...

I am rejecting all deals Momo's picture

Thanks for your replies but what about custom background?

I am rejecting all deals Momo's picture

Sorry wrong topic I did this comment.