I want to save it as BinOcaf using ocaf in winform.

Hello. I'd like to save it as BinOcaf using ocaf in winform. Do you have any samples or examples? Should I use OCCTProxy?

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture


To work with WinForm(C#), I would recommend using C++/CLI as a bridge or our Wrappers - Open Cascade.

Additionally, you can find a WinForm code sample in the public repo OCCT, documentation: Open CASCADE Technology: .NET: Import/Export (C#|C++/CLI|WinForms|WPF)

To make examples in C# I need more information: how you create document(BinOCAF)? Can you share a code sample, where you create a document?

Best regards, Dmitrii.

john ko's picture

Currently, the step file is loaded and used I want to save this as a binary file in ocaf.

Dmitrii Pasukhin's picture

Before reading a STEP you need to create empty document. Please share this part of code.

Best regards, Dmitrii.