i would like to post your my program in site

Dear Sir!

I have make the assembly program using open cascade 3.1.

The feature is step load,axis align,face align,hide object,show object,grouping object,part transition,and etc..

so.. i post my prgram in your site(www.openscasade.com).

is it possible.?

my e-mail address : chamuri@netian.com


Patrick's picture


But the .com site is not the right place to post projetcs. You have to go on the www.opencascade.org web site.

Good luck and thank you for your contribution!


webmaster_2's picture

Dear Soung-Won,
It's quite simple.
To place your project, you should login to http://www.opencascade.org , then click "Add project", fill several fields,
and click "submit". You will be able to edit your project later if necessary.
Should you have any problems or questions, don't hesitate to write me.
Welcome and best regards