
hi, as I can install occ in linux? deal with ./configure, make, make install in ros folder, but nothing happens. please, I need aid with this..
I want to stop depending on soliworks, to migrate to linux

Marco Matt's picture

What is your problem?
What Linux distribution do you use?

For me this works (my base directory for occ is /opt/OpenCASCADE6.3.0)

export CASROOT=/opt/OpenCASCADE6.3.0

./configure --with-gl-include=/usr/include --with-gl-library=/usr/lib --with-tcl=/usr/lib --with-tk=/usr/lib --enable-debug=yes --enable-production=no --enable-wrappers=no --enable-wok=no --enable-draw=yes --disable-dps --enable-static=no --enable-shared=yes"


make install