Import same step generated different shape, it looks like the shape is rotated. Compare with OCC6.8 VS OCC7.6

check the step model in the SPUJ190900.7z
Check in other cad softwares, they show the same result as in 6.8, Is it a regression issue?

Jarod L's picture
Kirill Gavrilov's picture

This behavior change in STEP translator is related to processing of transformation assigned to a root element. The old behavior could be requested via "read.step.root.transformation" parameter:

param read.step.root.transformation 0
ReadStep D SPUJ190900.step
vinit View1
XDisplay D -dispMode 1
Jarod L's picture

Thanks for the quick reply. I got the same result after I set read.step.root.transformation to 1 in occ7.5, in Occ7.6 you should set to 0
BTW, that parameter is not in the documentation.

J.W.Kim's picture

How to change the "read.step.root.transformation" parameter?

Jarod L's picture

Interface_Static::SetIVal("read.step.root.transformation", 1);

J.W.Kim's picture

Thank you!!! ^^