Introducing tutorials for OpenCASCADE

Hello OpenCASCADE community,

In the recent weeks I have been working on some examples and tutorials for OpenCASCADE, which aim at giving a structured introduction into what OpenCASCADE offers to the interested people. There is a github repository set up for this purpose, you can check it out at:

Right now, there is not too much stuff uploaded, only basic features from TKernel and TKMath, but I am planning to extend it in the following weeks with detailed explanations on what is going on in the examples. Maybe I will also make some video tutorials, I am not sure about it yet. If you are interested, clone the repository, and check out the examples that I have so far. Whenever new features or chapters are uploaded, I will let you guys know in this topic.

Laszlo Kudela's picture

Hello all,

a short explanation on the demonstrative example of chapter0 is available here. This is kind of a first test on how the tutorials could look like with explanation. Of course, I am not aiming to compete with the professional customer support of OpenCASCADE, I just thought it could be nice if there would be a couple of code snippets together which could attract more people around our beloved open source library :)

Let me know if you like or dislike the content.

I wish everyone a nice weekend!

Laszlo Kudela's picture

Hello everyone,

in the new chapter of OccTutorials, we polygonize a circle and compute it's area and the error with respect to the original area of the circle. This small demonstration shows the basic usage of TCol... containers, and their "handle" version.

GitHub source:


Laszlo Kudela's picture

Hello all,

in the latest chapter of OccTutorials, we are creating a Bezier curve, rotate and scale it, and use OpenCASCADE's built-in numerical quadrature routines to compute its length. We also demonstrate the rotation is a rigid transformation, while scaling is generally not. Check out the source here:

A discussion will be available at the blog soon!


Orlay Garcia Duconge's picture

Hello everyone,

from source Example 1: iteration and execution of functions ,

Handle(TFunction_Scope) aScope = TFunction_Scope::Set (anyLabel);
TFunction_Logbook& aLog = aScope->GetLogbook();

I get error in the second line, compiler mingw64: No viable conversion from 'opencascade::handle<TFunction_Logbook>' to 'TFuntion_Logbook'

error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'TFunction_Logbook&' from an rvalue of type 'opencascade::handle<TFunction_Logbook>'