Looking for a TCL example of making a threaded hole


I am looking for a a small example of modeling a threaded hole in TCL.
if any one can link to an example that would be extremely helpful.


Mike Molinari's picture

Still looking for some help on this. I found this. https://www.cnblogs.com/opencascade/p/4634374.html

That code gets me closer but I still need a way to specify the pitch and total height of the helix. any help would be appreciated.

# make helix curve in OpenCASCADE.
# Shing Liu(eryar@163.com)
# 2015-07-08 22:00


cylinder aCylinder 6

line aLine2d 0 0 1 1
trim aSegment aLine2d 0 2*pi

mkedge aHelixEdge aSegment aCylinder 0 6*pi

vdisplay aHelixEdge